News in 2013

ADD is Committed to Protecting Your Data

on Thursday, August 22, 2013 by Auto Data Direct

When Auto Data Direct became the first National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) consolidator for Junk, Salvage, and Insurance (JSI) data in the nation, we made a commitment to protect the privacy of customers who report this important data through our unique web-based service. The information you report in order to comply with federal regulations is designed to help prevent fraud and protect consumers. We applaud you for doing the right thing in your business practices, just as we have always been committed to doing the right thing in ours. ADD does not aggregate, re-use or re-sell any of the NMVTIS salvage data it handles.

ADD strongly believes that the information you report should be used solely for its intended purpose. It shouldn’t be used for unrelated marketing efforts or data aggregation, and you shouldn’t have to worry about your data being bought and sold by companies for uses other than fulfilling your NMVTIS program requirements.

ADD wants you, as a valued customer, to know that protecting the confidentiality of your data is our number one concern. As your data consolidator, we want you to feel confident in your choice of NMVTIS reporting service provider, which is why ADD has worked hard to earn the trust of its customers, and why we will continue to work hard to keep that trust and maintain the integrity of your data.

For more information about ADD’s NMVTIS reporting services, email ADD or give us a call at 855-300-3455 .