News in 2013

FL Electronic Lien Title (ELT) Update

for Auto Dealers and Financial on Thursday, June 13, 2013 by Mike Samaan

ADD appreciates all of its ELT customers and is constantly working to make its products more efficient and easier to use. With the ELT system in its infancy, and based on feedback we have received from customers over the past few months, there will be several modifications and feature improvements coming throughout the summer. We will keep our customers apprised of the changes as they are implemented.

There are a few common ELT scenarios about which ADD often receives questions:


When a lender performs a repossession, the process to obtain a repossession title remains the same as before. As a convenience, ADD provides the State of Florida’s 82040 title application form in your ELT manifest, however be aware that the process does not electronically submit the application to the DHSMV. We encourage all of our lenders to contact their local tax collector and inquire what documents the collector will be expecting in order to process the repossession title.

In most cases the user will need to enter the ADD ELT manifest, select the specific customer title and choose Convert to Paper under Delivery Options in the Lien Options menu (look for the gear icon). Lenders will most likely wish to choose the Pick Up Title delivery option in order to expedite the title process. This option will allow the lender to pick up the title at a Fast Title tax collector’s office without having to wait for the DMV to mail the printed title. As a reminder, when the title is printed at the tax collector office, the collector charges a $10.00 title printing fee. If the title is ordered through the ADD system and the Print and Mail Title option is selected under Delivery Options , the state fee is $2.50. More information about the Florida Repossession process is available in the TL-23.

Reporting an Error

While DMV is working to codify the ELT process, both from a procedural and technical standpoint, bugs may pop up in the system. If a title appears in your ELT manifest that contains the wrong information, is a duplicate lien, or simply does not belong to you, there is an error reporting process available in the ELT manifest.

If you discover an error, select the specific customer title and choose the Report an Error option in the Lien Options menu (look for the gear icon). We have found that the DHSMV takes some time in responding to Error Report issues, so we ask that, in addition to making the error report, you also contact ADD customer service directly at or 855-300-3455 , so that ADD can follow up in the issue.