News in 2016

NMVTIS and Recent Texas Flooding

for Salvage on Thursday, May 5, 2016 by Sarah Kathryn Wright

Even though the floodwaters left behind after the recent deluge in Texas have receded, the damage the water caused remains and that includes a lot of vehicles.

After a major flood, many of the once-soaked vehicles make their way into the used car and salvage market, often with no indication of their water-logged past. Flood vehicles can be and often are moved out of states where the flood happened, and resold in another state far from where the damage occurred. No one wants to deal with the corroded electronics, contaminated lubricants and faulty computer systems that come with water-damaged vehicles, issues that may not appear until months after a vehicle has been cleaned up and sold.

To protect yourself and your business from unknowingly purchasing a flood car, start with a title check through the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) database. NMVTIS reports will show you any flood or water- damage title brands applied by a state, and will provide the current and historical states of title, letting you know if a vehicle comes from a recently flood-damaged area.

To run a low-cost NMVTIS title check before buying a vehicle, taking a trade- in, purchasing a rebuilder or issuing a policy, look for the NMVTIS search under your Search DMV123 tab.

If you have any questions, please email ADD or call one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives at 855-300-3455 . Se habla espaƱol.