News in 2015

"Race to the Finish Line" Offers Insight for Car Dealers

for Auto Dealers on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 by Beth Williams

No matter how long you’ve been in the business, as a car dealer you can always use good advice to improve your business.

Race to the Finish Line is a book written by 14 automotive professionals with a combined experience of over 500 years in the industry. It’s the first in a series of books that will focus on helping automobile dealers be better at what they do. There are tons of tips to help sell more cars, be in compliance, increase customer satisfaction and increase revenues as a result of doing business the way consumers want to be treated.

“The book is an easy read and all of the authors are available for any dealer to reach out to and gain even more knowledge about the industry they love,” said John Brown, Executive Director of the Carolinas Independent Automobile Dealers Association (CIADA.)

Auto Data Direct’s Mike Samaan, dealer services manager, is one of the featured authors and shares his experience as both a dealer and a service provider to the industry. “I was honored to be included in this project,” said Mike. “I wish I’d had this resource which shares so many words of wisdom when I was a dealer. It’s a very helpful book.”

Lisette Mariner, Executive Director of the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association sees the book as a valuable tool for her members. “Race to the Finish Line was an amazing book. It was a quick read, filled with anecdotes and lessons learned. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to open a dealership. Dealers that have been in the business for years can also learn and reminisce of the mistakes they’ve made through the years too.”

Race to the Finish Line is available on []( /Race-Finish-Independent-Automobile- Dealership/dp/1495129519/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425401970&sr=8-1&keywords=race+to+the+finish+line+book) or by calling the CIADA at 800-432-4232. When you call to order, mention this article and get 20% off of list price!

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