News in 2015

ELT and ADDTag Training Sessions Announced

for Auto Dealers on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 by Peggy West

ADD would like to offer you a chance to learn more about our ADDTag and ELT systems.

Are you new to Auto Data Direct? Have you added a few new employees to your team? Would you like a refresher on the dealer services we offer? ADD would like to offer you a chance to learn more about our ADDTag and ELT systems. Sign up today for ADDTag and ELT trainings with an ADD representative!

For a closer look at using ADD’s services, please sign up for a training session listed below. Look for the notice under the Trainings button on your ELT tab in your ADD account or click on a link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.

To join us for a comprehensive overview of the new Electronic Lien & Title Process:

To join us for a comprehensive overview of the ADDTag system:

If you have any questions, email ADD or call one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives at (866) 923-3123.