News in 2015

Don't Let Curiosity Kill the Cat!

on Thursday, December 3, 2015 by Beth Williams

Curiosity killed the cat. It’s an old proverb warning against too much curiosity and how it may get you into trouble. When it comes to DPPA protected data like ADD’s DMV123 state records, it bears repeating. The Driver’s Privacy Protection Act clearly outlines when and by whom a record can be accessed legitimately. _It is a violation of Federal and State law to use the DMV database to obtain a vehicle owner’s name and address unless there is a valid exception. An unauthorized search can result in liquidated damages of $1,500 per inquiry_. That’s why ADD is a stickler about security of our valued customers’ accounts as well as the protected information we provide in order for you to conduct business and comply with state and federal requirements.

For each DPPA exemption that outlines qualified uses, the rules specify when a record can be accessed. For example, tow operators can access records in order to provide notice to the owners of towed and impounded vehicles. Insurers are allowed access to aid in claims investigations, antifraud activities, ratings, and underwriting. Automobile dealers and financial institutions are permitted access to verify accuracy of information on ownership of vehicles. All of these activities are focused on preventing fraud and protecting consumers and businesses.

Before a member of your staff runs a vehicle inquiry, there should be a clear understanding of what your industry’s exemption allows. Every inquiry should be made by an approved user through their individual login access. Never share account information and passwords. Never run an inquiry for another person as a favor. And, never, ever, allow curiosity to be the basis for an inquiry.

As an ADD account holder with access to DMV123 state records, you must reaffirm your DPPA exemption prior to running a record. That’s an affirmation that the record will be used for legitimate purposes. If a breach of data security is detected it sets in to motion punitive actions by both the state from which the record was pulled and ADD as an agent of the state. Even an accidental breach must be reported to the individual whose data was retrieved and will likely result in the immediate suspension of your ADD account.

At ADD we love our customers! We work hard every day to provide the most extensive access to real-time records available from any company of our kind. We pride ourselves on our commitment to security and privacy when it comes to these important, protected records. Both internal audits and external audits by individual state agencies are conducted on a routine basis to ensure the utmost integrity of our system. Our commitment to you as an account holder is to protect your interests and access to these valuable business tools by maintaining the highest standards of privacy and compliance when it comes to our inquiry service.

Don’t let curiosity kill the cat. If you or a member of your staff have questions about your company’s DPPA exemption and how it applies to an individual inquiry, don’t hesitate to email us or call one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives at 855-300-3455 .